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- bolalar, zotiljam, gemostaz, genetik poli morfizm. 1
- Bolalar,qon, mikro elementlar,nafas yo’llari,ko‘rsatkichlar, zotiljam. 1
- children, bronchial asthma, corona virus infection. 1
- Coronary artery disease, unstable angina pectoris, coronary computed tomography angiography, coronary calcium score 1
- COVID-19, bolalar, giperkoagulyasiya, gemostaz, yallig’lanish. 1
- COVID-19, Luteinizing Hormone, Prolactin, Menstrual Abnormalities, Reproductive Health, influence of COVID-19, infertility 1
- COVID-19, ruhiy kasalliklar, ruhiy salomatlik, xavotir, depressiya, kognitiv buzilish 1
- COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Acute kidney injury, Chronic kidney disease, Kidney damage, Pathogenesis, Nephropathy, Comorbidity 1
- COVID-19, yuvenil revmatoid artrit, gemo globin, LDG, reaktiv gepatit, xolesistopatiya, gepatomegaliya. 1
- COVID-19, беременность, миокардит, акушерские исходы. 1
- COVID-19, психические нарушения, психическое здоровье, тревога, депрес сия, когнитивные нарушения. 1
- Cranioplasty, trepanated skull syndrome 1
- creative technologies, use of innovative methods, teaching foreign languages, productivity of the educational process, innovative technologies, teaching strategies. 1
- dermatitis, asthma, children, specific IgE, eosinophils, SCORAD index, clinical features. 1
- digital medicine, family doctor, medical students 1
- EKG, koronar angiografiya, transmural infarkt, intramural infarkt, subendokardial kardioskleroz. 1
- experimental diabetes mellitus in mother, offspring, stomach, liver vessels, tissue structures 1
- filogeniya, polimorfizm, tetraploid turlar, genom, SSR marker, xromosoma 1
- Flashcards, Mnemonics Interactive learning tools, prefix, suffix medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, and medical procedures. 1
- foreign languages, education, linguistic and social knowledge, audio-lingual method, scientific and theoretical understanding. 1