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Authors: Zubtiyev Sardor Uktamovich
Keywords: birth trauma; depressed fracture; linear fracture; “pingpong” fracture
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Узбекистан, Ташкент
Series/Report no.: UDC;616-018 /616-091.8
Abstract: Birth trauma is damage to the fetus (soft tissues, bone, musculoskeletal system, internal organs, central and peripheral nervous system) by the action of adverse factors during childbirth. In some cases, birth trauma can be formed antenatally. Birth injuries of newborns during vaginal delivery occur in 3.6% of cases and during cesarean section – 1.2%. Recently, there has been an increase in the prevalence of birth injuries due to damage to the scalp of newborns, while there has been a decrease in severe injuries leading to significant long-term consequences, disability, and death. Birth trauma most often occurs with complicated delivery and operative delivery. However, in some cases, birth trauma is a consequence of natural forces acting during the birth act. In this regard, it is impossible to exclude birth trauma in newborns even with an uncomplicated course of pregnancy, the absence of external in fluences on the fetus, and instrumental delivery.
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