This retrospective cohort study aims to compare the efficacy and outcomes of controlled ovarian stim
ulation (COS) in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) with recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (rFSH)
and purified menopausal gonadotropin (hMG). Methods: A total of 151 infertile women from ‘Siz ona bo‘lasiz’ IVF
clinic were included in the study. The primary endpoints were the quantity of mature oocytes retrieved, and secondary
endpoints included the duration and dosage of gonadotropin administration. Patients were assigned to three groups:
Group A (rFSH), Group B (hMG), and Group C (combination of rFSH and hMG). Stimulation protocols and outcomes
were analyzed using statistical methods. Results: The study showed no significant differences in stimulation duration
between Groups A and B. However, the combination group (Group C) exhibited a slightly higher duration. In the rFSH
group, a notable increase in the number of mature oocytes was observed compared to the hMG group, both at the
initial and overall doses. The combination group demonstrated a significant increase in mature oocytes compared
to Groups A and B, but with a longer stimulation duration and higher total dosage. Conclusion: The study suggests
a negligible difference in the effectiveness of rFSH and hMG for controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF. However, rFSH
may have an advantage in terms of efficacy, especially concerning dosage. The combination of rFSH and hMG showed
increased oocyte yield but with extended stimulation duration and higher total dosage. Individualized treatment con
siderations are crucial, and further research is needed to validate these findings.