dc.description.abstract |
The analysis of 10 types of high-risk foods in the daily diet of Tekistil workers in
the cold (winter-spring) and hot (summer-autumn) seasons of the year. Flour is 14-22 grams in the
cold season and 10-11 grams in the hot seasons, potatoes are 12-13 and 30-31 grams in the same
order, pasta is 9-10 and 5-7 grams, margarine is 17-15 grams and 13-11 grams, bread products
desirable 86-158 and 88-120 grams, confectionery products 17-20 grams and 2-7 grams, sugar 1.43-
2.4 and 1.14-1.9 times, and salt 7-6 grams and 4-3 grams was found to be over consumed. Among
the workers of the Tekistil enterprise, diseases of the blood circulation system were the leading, and
the rate of occurrence was 38.1%. The rate of various injuries related to the production process at
the enterprise, poisoning was 19.5% (41 workers), diseases of the digestive system were 38 (18.1%)
workers, blood and blood-forming organs and 33 (15.7%) workers have diseases caused by specific
disorders of the immune system, 26 (12.4%) workers have diseases of the nervous system, 25 (11.9%)
workers have ear and mammary tumor diseases. Muscule-bone and connective tissue diseases were
found to be common in 22 (10.5%) workers, and Skin diseases were common in 7.6% (16) workers. |
en_US |