The development of effective agents to correct metabolic
balance in critical illness is critical for the successful treatment of
serious diseases. Critical conditions such as trauma, poisoning,
burns, sepsis and surgery, as well as diseases such as acute
infections and cancer, can lead to increased breakdown of
substances and increased catabolism. Poor nutrition can lead to
weight loss, poor physical performance, and metabolic disorders.
Amino acid mixtures are the best way to influence metabolic
homeostasis, since protein synthesis occurs only from free amino
acids. They are widely used in medical practice, including for
parenteral nutrition. The RGNPMCG of the Ministry of Health of
the Republic of Uzbekistan has developed a new blood substitute
containing amino acids and an antioxidant complex, which has a
wide spectrum of action and is able to influence protein synthesis
by body cells, optimize the functioning of physiological systems,
and accelerate recovery processes in severe diseases associated with
impaired protein -energy metabolism. The purpose of this study is
to study the impact and evaluate the effectiveness of a new
domestic amino acid blood substitute on metabolic disorders and
endogenous intoxication in toxic hepatitis.